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Eichel rel.ver.1/1/90.SYShh =L),  VLI_88 ~? ?Ȏ$?%?E͹\ͅȱ̠ͅ1L%%?舭˅i?ȭ˅i?L^}89 DEHBLV䌌?φi͆΍??i荁??8͈8ȥͩꍊ?Ϧi} ?_}Ϙ 89? 8 J9 8G9 }8k9 }8ˈҩҩҠ 89 Ҡ<`ҠźScreen Accelerator Wedge`} by Doug Wokoun v1.3JH 17-Oct-93* Can't Install *E:??WUS)} Li@`]^_T ^ a}&_ &_e^_eU_eX^_eY_^Uc^_^]I^` ``8Li@`]^_T ^ _*J)C*pp0Bd)ppAJ)츰쭠 ? - Help c} M - Page up Up arrow - Line up Return/Down - Line down Space bad}r - Page down D*=+ T - Top of file B - Bottom of file e} I - Invert screen colors Q - Quit آ)JJJJf}`>+7, i@8 > >iɛ" L+ Ыyyzg}d)'ɀ88f` i`8 eL+ z, {,? , 2H /7h} t8 M4"/hɀ8,1-C 6L|,/ 2/ t8yyz M4"/ t8 4ip0i}Oȥi@ȥiȑȑȑȑȑȑȑi iоAȩȩp0թj} 3ii2-+.i  64  "/01 t8<k}腚< 7O<ɛ  襁 š L- š <SQ.l}.R.L*.mh7 s6B8ED1l E10 r V0'r2utz V䌸0La0 10ɀ 2O E1L020 E1m1- BHI V2u E}1hRhhl hR1l E11]LE1m1#Hm1 BHI Vhm1`ED BHILVLoading Ice-T..Ice-}T requires a 128K computer, with nocartridges active. You also have torename your R: handler to RS232.COM.The following c}onditions were not met:* Base 48K not free!* No banked memory!* No R: - Interface not ready!* No R: - Can't load R: hand}ler file!Hit any key to return to DOS..D:RS232.COM0sQ&j?P Terminal 󠠠Ӡ}򠠠Ԡ>1Can't open port! Esc to exit or any key to retryrx|US:R:K:$(}D:7 TEMP.FILD:ICET.DATK  | }w""̈wfDwfUwfD̪DDwDw""P(((  [?1;0cP:1 Printing screen - Please wait - } lj;k+*opui-=vcbxz436521, .nm/~rey twq9078<>fhdgsaLJ:K\^OPUI_|VCBXZ$}#&%"![ ]NM?REYTWQ()'@FHDGSA    {}`OnlineManualPa}used00:00:00/Cp/ | Official waste of space.. |Press Shift-Esc for menu.Use dialer to get online. Pleas}e register! Support 8-bit software! 2N2 4| Bf:[] C:[]: G @--Full--Ice-T __3A} VT100 terminal emulator by Itay Chamiel.. (c)1996 BVersion 2.7, release date March 22, 1996. LThi}s software is Shareware, and may be freely distributed. For registration, Hsend $25 to Itay Chamiel, 9-A Narkis St, Apt 13, }Jerusalem 92461 Israel.OHelp support further Atari 8-bit development by registering. Thanks in advance!w?>8??>8w? } NzLDNQHPxH| Ice-TThis file is sponsored by the letter F./ЍЍ^' 2 h3y}yz˅+ f4N'_'U'10ip`񾩰Oȥi@ȥiȑȑȑȑ}ȑȑȑi i Я Aȩ𑆍ȩp󾩞0vwܩ =}󾍰 Ȋi ^'H^' '3h^'ש@ 0=@RS頍蠍砅䠍}⠍㠅Dž /ө{CD|CөТT'HT' b>fӽ)H [}Nh慽)H [Nhƅݩ@ [N愥) r3*& r3*k r3* r3+ r3&Q r3 0=iiW+IW+}Ii(iҟiӟig+Ii(i("38#48$<%<6 \58 \6}O 0 =./ 3 1 '3 b>hT' = >_')_' 6 D2!⠍㠅 '3}䠩 \ <ӅL@ >ӅQL;\_'ӅL@ӅL]!#"}`HH &&FFʠi捥 eȅi8ȍ\0ie08}\0\0i(ime0iɥЋhhӠiiN`ȅ}Ʌ D2愩 D2愥񩅅 D2慥ȅ D2愩 D2愠I D2挥愥婠 D2愩 D2 1 6慥Яȅ} D2愩 D2愥񩃅 D2 1慥ȅ 1愥ʐ`-HH& r3hh g5֭Q'}y`yH 1h`%H$H` JW') 82)U 82` 82 U 82`i(}` 2ȄJ&e悥!]' & &2iL2)222&2&2)2I) i'}``ӱթ PLiPեi@֩0г b>Ǣ }6 =L0=iPեi@֩`` h3ȱȱĉiiH D2hĉ` 3& }/ 1 i4L3L<=` R4 d&e"bj V`&b j V`$bkN'mO'J V`b j V`(bd}ehi jkLV bLV0 rLVl `ǥ &&ii eȅi8}i4m4ii(ɥЭ`@ g5`ӠHɀ}@ E5h`8񅔥@8񅔥i@` 6*%@ ` E5 6L5<@}" 6 58 ץ@ E5 6` ɀ@ @` 5`ӥ ; 6} D2LX6_')0 6 6 D20-A_')⠍ [S'H WS' WhS'L6 ⠅ [}`'؏`^'`H g5h`L bhi LVL@Э0ԭ1汥KIT':6Н}/)/LK7./ԢZ>н^><н^>o`PpH@80T'`Ӣf}f󪝀өТН/)/`ӑ`ӑ`ӱʦ`ӱ`HӅ {Bh` V}`HӅ Qh`HӅ dh`ӱ̑P`]'څ H D2hPN]'`0 ) ))`A}FFFFFFFF͢'ӽ@+ӽ@+ hhLs`ة/ h3}&'(Ӆyyz  ! ˅+&` i@8 > >iѩӢ}fghijkkӎD$&0) 񩱍&&: ))&&OiP}iPi0栩թ@֩Ӣ+*栭խ R4 bjk>d'e V} R4N'LN bdehi Vbdfe@hi > R4өUfI]f =iKf8i}Pf#f) efiRLi6ȱi6i6ȱi6!()ӢCB}DECME D.E(EIEDI!DB.CԭDrEqжL+FEDDDDDDfD"D}"D"DDD""D"DDDD"DDDDDDDDDDDDDD""DDDDDDDDD"D"""f"}"""D̪D"DDDDDDf"DDDDDD"DD"D"DD"DDDfD̪̪ff̪}ffDDDDf"""D̪"̪̈"̪̪fD""}DDDDDDDDDDDD"DfDDDDfDD""DDDDDUUUUDDDwDDDDDDD}DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD"DD"D"D"DDDDDDwDDDDDD}DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDw(80p p0` D""̪}ff""ffDffff"̪DDDf"""""̪DDDDf̪DD̪̈ff""f}fD"DDDDfDDDf""DfDDDfDDDDDDDDD"DDTTTTTTDD"f}fDfD"""DD"ff"DDDfDfDfDDfDDDfDDfDDDDfDfDD}fDDDDDDDDDfff"DDDDDDDDDDfDDDf"f}DDffDDf̪""DDDDDfDDDf"""f"DfDf"DDDDDUUUUUUU}wwwwDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDDw}DDDDDDDDDDwDDDDDDDDDDDDDwDwDDDUUUwUUUUUUUDwwDUUUUUUUUUDDUU}UDDDUUUUUUUwDDwDwwDwDDDwUUUUUUUUUUUDDDDDDDDDwDDDD33333333}UUD̪̈DwD̈U"""DDDDDDDDD"DD"DD"D}DDD"D"DD""3""""""""""f"DDUUDDDDD3""f"̪"D}TTTTTT@"f = P 6 D2W'EW' =W'EW' >T'Н/)/ [ [ [) r3}$) r3 \# ~C '3 \ < W㠥LALAų  ~C \ g5H f\h-} '3 \ < g5 W WLA  ~C 4k {B^'B80 \ g5 f\} '3 \ < g5 W㠭 WLA ~CL@ U [ \ g5p f\H 4 {Bhi^'ݏ+ų } ~CLB UԭL2B Vи WЀS'HS' WhS' [ '3 \ <} WLASmSKSCSTB&U0V0HB {BhLu/ HS {Bh`SS H {BhLB}\HZ'Q{CJ|CDCY'  +. +#順 >頭 \hɛ `' ]') `'} LDLD` AJ&eiR' iꅁi]&i'i`('e}iR' iꅁiIi'i`ɀGA8_:b'؏L]Dɀ) '؏} E Dʽ51-`LD{LD}LD~ [N毦ʽ (Ư`PƯ}`` {CE|C` 6+ 6 60L6` `'LD `' 9NLD ƯPL}D#S{C|CD`{CD|CLD O LELDOLD``L9N[.{CH|C⟩}`D 9NLLE ELLM JNLL= [LL>  [LL75 !"#LL8}: !"#T'LLZ NLLH LL({CG|C`){CG|C`# }{CF|C`c / 2LL8LGH Ph83LL'LLHh'G U = bP̝bP}HHHHb ɀ) [N愥PhhhhLL b> =EP慥 0=慥 }(I(i(iॅLLABLL012LL>{CH|C`?L#HH #Hh;檩}`:*0&80 櫩` e e` 檥LKsL FuLYFHb⟭}⟭㟭⟅ư㟭㟅POLLfA)⟥8⟅LLLLB(}⟭eLLLLC&⟭ePLLOLLD$⟥8⟅LLLLrv}⟭⟭⟰ ⟩㟥⟅㟅ƯLLK3}⟭ uMLL LLL tULLJd⟭ uM慥 tULJLLŰ tUL}J LLL 2\'LLc NLLnLK⟭! bhičd'e VLLLK[ 8 }L3Ki0i0;i 8 L]Ki0i0RH bhih V榥LLg6⟭}⟭PLLLLhLLlLLLLLSL LLLL}MW'W' =W'EW'LLLLmt LLĪY LjL T'LjLLjL T'Lj}LLjLЩLjLLL D{CD|C` =ʽ PO ̈ HHG) D2Ƅhh}`hhJ戩Ĉi(i`('戩LBM = PLM(' P} HHD) D2Ohh`hhJ(i(i`hh('LM bh}iЍd'eLV䥰Ů Q``ŭ S`ư` ~̽ͽs,(' )ȩ ̥U]'P ȩ}LN̅ H PhLNLNH Qh̪ ]' ̭` & &qOirOL)OqO}rOLPLPLP> 8)Je悅&tO)Qi'``OO}I LkP)Je悠&O&O)O) i'`` XP PL3P XPL!P} XP P PLDP ~Q ILO`iS`('ei𯑁i'i`}` ) P)D P)" P) P`8&8&`&&`LPJ)#ff HH >hhKfpQwQ}PfqQxQUfsQf8~fifLiQ8~f~fi݃ffef `LQJ)#ff,}KfQQPfQQ]fQef)`>8L栭̭͠ ?iPեi@֩ե g5LR}䠥 # ޽߽LiR޽ߥܝݝޅܥ߅FH8(} HHhh ʽ̽͠O ̈ S' W` =䠥`f`Kfi}Pfi݃f.fރf$HffHf b>hh`hhef~f ~f~fefŸ+ĭefсȑȑ}ĸĸȑȑȑ0LR`  g5LS䠥ŭ$ ޽߽ }޽ߥܝݝޅܥ߅ݥJŮ48H孨h ʽ̽ͽ~ʈ̝͝LlT ʽ̽͠ P S'} W` =䠥`f`Kf8Pff~f.~f~f$HffHf b>hh`hh}efiň HfhfefiŸ4Įȹefiсĸ ĸĸک0LT`̅} ʽ̽͠ P L=Յإօ٥܅݅ =` > W8Pإ@٩p WHH.}܍ݍhhܭS'HH WH؅ڥم 3?S'hhh W W` h3 i  } W܅݅L=L> WiPإi@٩ WHH0ܝݝhhܭS'HH } WH.i0ڥi 8ڥ? 3?LeW ʽڽ]'څ H D2hPN]'S'h }hh W W` h3 i W܅݅L= VLW '3 < W >`L~C` ` g5` g5` } `)LY)? 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Name: [ Number: [((忠ٯΩ*Please change this entry, or Esc to &}abort.ʆɩ̅͠JJȱȍ+ȱȍ+ȱȍ+ɱ f+렩젮렽+I++ o3렽+I+ 1+`'}렭Ld렭Ld~젭LdLge젬령++ f+Ldɛ=+ o3ʽ+) (}++) a{8 ` ?ɀ;젩 f+ ++력 f+LeLd A)}[i I`A@ӱӑ悥m+@өs `@iq i4d=©% ~E%*}…L/ dHdH`dJ /d ~E($'( R4&L<=L@ i4L@ed /+}e% ~E% i4 GL@ i4 &GL@L@ fH fH` i4LAd /e9% ~E% i4 GLG,} i4 &GL@L@ QeHPeH`f /fON'8 xEiN' N' h3 3L@fb /frP' xEP'L@f /f`'-} xE`'L@f /f^' xE^'L@f /g xE)_'L@g+ /g?O'** xEjjO' O' h3 .}3L@gF /gVU'I xEIU'L@g] /gQ' xEQ'L@g /gʭS'mT' xE> S'T'LBT'/} T'S' b>L@S'T' >܅݅ =L@g /W'H mX'h9 xEh"H)X'hJJJJW'H =hW' i4 i4L@L@h| /h0}]' xE]'L@h /hR'J) xE R'L@fy /f\' xE\'L@h /hέV' xEV'L@i1}, / Z? 1L@i, / / 1L@&!i)ii /̦̽$i)$ii! o3̽$i $i 1L@0: iD $i XDLC* 2}XDLC+̥LCɛО!i&&&L@̥`2-0%iɳ" 3$iɰ3}6` XDhhLCh / g5 R4_' bjk>d'e VLDE bNd'ehi V0= bd4}fe@hi >N'_')_' 3L@ <렍i젍iih o3i o3_')_' 3 1L@Ɔȱ5}ȱJiiež8LE¥ Jȱ eĽiť F 1+0%`6}¥ž FLE*,%`¥ž¥Ž FLE=+%LFeŽ©侰… FLE-27}8待Ž!¥LF8e… FLE)hh i4L/`ɛ` LEŅąIi8}(i` 5G接L5G 5GƎNGmĩmLF  i4LhGi2 /i% ~E% i49} GL@ i4 &GLG iHiH`L@ i4LGi /ji% ~E% i4 GL]G i4 &GL@ jHjH:}`L@/'0''2 ?+` 2'LdH2' 82'0:j / 1 i4L H 2'a {8 2' XO`j / 1 i4L Hl /;}@ H+LG2'q @ H+LG'jq(q jq ,jq2' jq 򩛝jq R4 bjdqe<}jk VH 3hɀLG <)Xl i4lN / 1LGk /kJ o3' ?''a{8 ''D&''D''=}':> (':' XOLGkY /Y'k} xEY'LGk /['k xE['LGk /Z'k xE>}Z'LGl\!LJlh#LJlt$LJHl l /: H+hLGl o3 R4 hbjdqejk V% <렍?}l젍lll o3 3 1LG 3LG '3jqkq'mq(*mqoq.nqpqilql o3qj o3 R4 bjkm@}dqe Vu Kɛ A[i H D2hکP戩慥 K K"0:慥A} K% <)l)l)ll o3LKl o3 3 1 '3 < XOLG 3l o3 1 '3l o3qj o3 R4`LK B} bdehiLVI m砪 mmm / 1LSG XO2' A[i :m m& / 1LSC}Gf< H+LSGekɛ R4 bjdqe jk VQ bd@e8頍h@i @ 3LL D}> 3頩@ i4 i4L]G (RLSG xRLGl /8 H+LG g5 Q奭HH =o r3+ r3E} PR^'H^' '3h^' R40rtx@uy >H 3hN@N LM (RL3OxN@myNNF}NN > >ɛ NLNO LNOLN  NLN LN ƄLN LNH) UG}%d4dL~Ni@1d+dhH* 4dh4d!ɡ D2愥P NLNLNh D2愥P Nii NLH}OLMLMƺ L>` 1hhL3OɛL> L>LN >j o3 1 '3 R40rtx@uy >H 3hCQȩ@IQ  (R \4L/ȭxCQL}@myIQ Qb >ɛB['   6 6a'"LqQnI Q QIL5Q [' 6 Q(M}" Q<LvP \4L/LP Q Qa'L5Q 4$  QLQ QLQH >h``< 1 \4hN}hL/p)IHHH Q o3LQn o3hhh`A R4 \40rjtquz{ V`H 3hH <)oO}n / 1 i4h`jqɛA[i H D2hLVR` @`n / 1`pop2ppʈ i4P} =o r3+ r3 *Zo /I% H+hhLV PRppppII@DCɅ \4qQ}M W`Ro' / 1LSG i4RQLkSQIJYooLSIJQXoo-pp RHȩCQG 6 R}6' X h3) 6ȥLSȩL TIL.Vp r3 6qM W VHq WhL+TQ 6 V@S}LVVLGV VA VBCDKELFMGH V ZY'  +LT +J%PMOLT}NKKLM >hГ@i渥AmBS$CDEKFLGMLTU}#8B V VLZU VLUI JLcX q Wp W@HH Hp WQV} VLU| cZq W V !Zq W@LTQL.VqM W< *ZCDEKFLGM  <@qq:W} WLTp W 6 6ILbVq+ WILbVp W 6 cZJ V \4 !ZI H g5h` nWhhIL` !Z 6 6 cZ \4 !ZLV <)(qqp Z}pȊ)pLo3 ɠiɺ4 ɠȑȩLWȑ Lo3[Q'HQ' 1hQ'[}Ehhp WQ  6 6 d cZCDJ V \4 !ZqW W< *ZLV` 6JCʅD˅ >p W g5\} >/ȩ% >HH 0:_az8 2' hhIH D2h м >L]}YȢ > (NOP > ~HNKOLPMNmKNOmLOPmMP6 h80mNNOiOP^}iPIH D2hȥ6Њp} o3JNOPKLM XO PRILlZJHJ VhJCQGLT m`H_}EqErh`QL3`_Z 6  6 Lq󅺩@ bLt\Getting Attn strin]Wbq}F#DOS SYSF6'DUP SYSF]HYPERE AR0F)bCOL80 COMFICET COMFICET DOCFJVT100 DOCF PAPER COMFXM301 HNDF"MPP HNDF 7RVERTER HNDFBBOOT850 HND7^# WVW?XYZ cLt\Sending ZRINIԢ^> W bLt\Challenge failZ^ Wf ` `ʩ@ Xpr}pppf xb@Lt\Getting filenam^ W cLt\Received ZNA L__g WfBW^J `h+_s}\ W@ R4 V 3C@D bLt\_L WV cLt\_s W c chlLt\Unexpected dataSaving datGetting t}datSynchronizing. MW^f_ W R4 V \4 3L]_ WLt\Closing filUnexpected EOF!_ WV cLc`Endu} of transfe! ` WLt\Unknown commanCD d`T W R4f V \4 [ 3 *ZqW WLc`Session cancel v}4#O 4 O<<Щ g5< i4L/ \4 3V cLt\@^`^bCDw} b ZPY'  +La +La >^д_Я`ЪaL`H b\ b]D\=fpx} WJJ p Whh`iL`j bL`k`ha Wfb^CD )b xbLt\ )b bLt\Packet CRC bab y}Wb^CD 6 6 R4 V 3 xb@hhLt\Buffer overflowq6be Wq( ]L7b !!Blabber! (21 ~}Exit to DOS? Quit Quit, Disable R: @@@G\G/ 堠 Local echo Stop} bits Auto wrap Emulation Delete sends End of line Status calls Soft. flow Save config          } FAxAA'BYCxCAAAD% 箮 Macros... Keyclick Special Background 8-bit set Cursor styl}e Set clock Zero timer Reset term     /LBkBBC1CCCC0K 300 600 1200 1800 2400 4800 9}600 19.2 28>D28>D,5 Off On ..,9 VT-102 ANSI-BBS  ...; CR + LF CR or LF ATASCII  00 0} .= Normal Very often Constantly  0 0 0 . ; None Xon/Xoff "Rush" Both  0 0 0 0 ,7 1 2 }..,5 Yes No .."1 None Simple Standard  $$$$5 None Boldface Blink } Fine scroll &&&&$7 Normal 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e fInverse 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f}&(*,.024&(*,.024& ( * , . 0 2 4 & ( * , . 0 2 4 $/ Ascii IBM-PC &&$/ Block Line && .= } $7F DEL $08 BS ^H  00. ? Saving current parameters 0 ɯϠ0 򠠠$- xx:xx & $ ) Ok2}E Save capture.. ASCII upload.. Xmodem receive Ymodem receive Ymodem-G recv. Zmodem receive 4444}444 L4LOSeS?S:\(; Change path D/L EOL trans. U/L EOL trans. Capture ANSI View file Ren}ame file Delete file Lock file Unlock file  ******** * * J0IIIIMsHIJ J堭} 3 First character can't be a number! 3Spaces not allowed as seperators or first character! "M } & 8C None CR LF Either ::::6M No change to file Fil}ter ANSI codes 888I EOL -> CR/LF EOL -> CR EOL -> LF No change ::::6E File viewer: 4M} Old name: New name: :G Error xxx!Delete file:Lock file: Unlock file:8G Es}c to abort: : 򠠠Reading directory from  Hit any keyDisk error . Hit any keyBMCapture mod}e OffOn :M Save capture: 123456789012 Return - Save F- Change name E- Clear buffer Esc - Abort >M Send file:} F - Change G - Go P - Prompt D - Delay Esc - abort " M Type character to wait for and Return: 6 MWai}t between lines: No delay 1/60 sec 1/10 sec 1/5 sec 1/2 sec 1 sec 1.5 sec 2 sec  8 B 8 B 8B8B , and backo}ff into the previous menu without changing anything by pressing .Shift-Esc will, in most menus, bring you back to th}e terminal.In the main-menu bar, the down arrow will work like the Return key, and openone of the four menu windows. In the}se windows, left and right will switchto one of the adjacent menus.The main menu-------------This menu has five selectio}ns:Terminal, Options, Settings, Mini-DOS, Transfer.Options menu------------This menu allows you to configure some cosmet}ic settings to your liking,as well as dialing and setting the clock.Dialing: This allows you to use the auto-dialer. In th}is screen, usethe up and down arrow keys to select a number to dial, then Returnto dial it, or Space to constantly dial unt}il a connection isestablished.E - Edit the currently highlighted entry.A - Add a new entry, either at the highlighter's l}ocation, or at thebottom of the list.R - Remove this entry.C - Disabled. Will allow configuration of certain stuff (exactl}y what, has yetto be decided). Planned for 2.8.After getting connected, the status line will indicate "Online", and atime}r indicating online time. Your hosts's name is also shown, but if it'sover 25 characters long, you'll only see the first 25}.Macros: Currently disabled. Planned for 2.8.Keyclick: Choose between the ordinary Atari built-in click, the simplequiet} click, or no click at all.Special: Select one of the special display modes. "None" is for none at all.* Boldface - enable}s boldface characters. This uses a player/missile "underlay"to highlight characters. The four players and the four missiles }(grouped intoa fifth player) are quadrupled in horizontal size and spread across thescreen. Since each player is 8 pixels w}ide, we have a total of 40 pixels.This is a problem, since there are 80 characters per line.FlickerTerm cleverly bypasses t}his limitation by using two alternating PMmemory locations for the two alternating 40-column screens. Ice-T can't dothis, b}ut if boldfaced words are seperated from normal words by at least onespace, this should have no visible effect.Using this m}ode should not affect your speed, until boldfaced charactersactually appear on the screen. This is because the player/missil}es aredisabled when they aren't needed - which means that ANTIC doesn't takeany unnecessary CPU time.* Blink - This is ess}entially identical to bold, except that the PMs areblack (obscuring the blinking characters), and alternate on/off everyhal}f second. When they are off, player DMA is disabled, to save time.* Fine Scroll - enables fine scrolling in the terminal and} file viewer.This scroll is done in VBI, which means that data continues to be displayedwhile the scroll is still taking pl}ace. No data loss can occur (I hope).I don't recommend using this for 19.2kbaud - it just won't look good, andwill slow thi}ngs down quite badly.Background: You can select the background color, but not its brightness.You CAN request a screen in i}nverse colors, though. Monochrome monitorusers should only use color 0, and choose inverse mode according to theirpreferenc}e. Color users should choose the setting which renders the80-column screen most readable. I recommend trying 1,2,and F, in b}othinverse and standard modes.8-bit set: This is useful for PC-based BBS systems, which heavily usecharacters above 127 f}or character graphics and menus. However, if you selectthis, the scrollback buffer will not preserve inverse characters as s}uch.Since this is not a part of the ANSI standard, you may wish to leave thisoff when using most Unix/VMS dialups and Inter}net access systems, since theywill probably use the ANSI graphics mode, which doesn't need 8-bit characters.Cursor style: }Choose between an underline cursor or a block one.Set clock: Set the clock in the upper-right corner of the menu screen.Th}e current time will be displayed (upon startup it's 12:00).Use the arrows and number keys to change the setting.For example}, if the time is 10:48 you just type "1048" and you're done.If it says 10:47, you press "->" 3 times (or "<-" once) and type} 8.The screen will flash if you type in an invalid number, and in some cases thismight cause problems, but nothing to get a}nnoyed at.The clock cycles at 12:59 to 1:00. Look out your window for AM/PM.Pressing Return will set the time and zero the }seconds.Zero timer: This will set the terminal's online timer to zero.Reset term - Reset all the internal VT "registers".} This should be used ifbadly-written software at your host, or noise in the line, causes you toget stuck. For example, if g}raphics mode is enabled when text arrives, orif scrolling stops working because the scrolling lower boundary is abovethe cu}rsor location.Settings menu-------------This menu is for setting your hardware for proper communications, with yourmodem} and remote host.Baud rate: Set the communications speed between your computer and yourmodem. 14.4kbaud users should selec }t 19.2k. Also, 850 users should notethat this interface doesn't support 19.2k, so selecting it is the sameas choosing 9600. }Local Echo: When on, every character you type in Terminal will be sent toyour host, and also sent directly to the VT100 pr }ocessor, echoing whatyou typed. This option should be used with systems that don't automaticallyecho what you type back to  }you.Stop bits: Generally set to 1. I don't think 2 will ever be needed, I justput it in since it wasn't too difficult.Au }to-wrap: You decide whether the cursor will wrap-around to the next linewhen it reaches the edge of the screen. Note that wh}en entering this menu,the highlighted bar will NOT indicate the present status (which can bechanged by a code from your hos}t), but it shows the default mode, presentwhen you load the program or reset the terminal (by pressing ).Changing th}is setting WILL alter the current state, though (leaving thismenu by hitting Esc will not).Emulation: Choose VT-102 or ANS}I-BBS. I only know of one differencebetween these two (whether to home the cursor when clearing thescreen - ANSI does).De}lete key: Some hosts will only recognize $7F as delete, and others willneed ^H. Choose the one suitable for yours, or the on}e used most often.End of line: Choose which incoming character is interpreted as an EOL.This shouldn't be confused with a }similar menu in the Mini-DOS menu, whichhandles EOL conversion during file transfers and capture only.CR + LF - Normal. CR} moves cursor to the left and LF does a line feed.CR or LF - Either CR or LF are treated as a combination of both.ATASCII }- 155 ($9B), the Atari "return", is recognized as an EOL. Also, the Atari TAB character is used. (CR or LF are sti}ll usable.)Status calls: This setting is fairly crucial for proper operation of thissoftware.. Basically, if you're using }anything faster than 4800, use"constantly". 850 users should use "normal". This setting determineshow often the R: input bu}ffer is emptied into Ice-T's large 16K buffer(indicated by the Bf: indicator), when Ice-T is already busy emptyingthis larg}e buffer to the screen. Should it pause every character tocheck on the buffer or what? The problem is that most interfaces (}not the850) have a very small (128-byte) input buffer, which easily loses dataif not emptied often enough. On the other han}d, the 850 allows using a largeinput buffer, and will slow you down if too many Status calls are made.Experiment with the s}ettings until you find the best for your setup.Just to get the numbers straight:The 850, and any interface fully compatible} with it, will use a 2K inputbuffer. Many other devices ignore CIO requests for larger buffers, and use128 bytes. The amoun}t of characters processed in between emptying the R:buffer is:Normal - 1024 bytesVery Often - 16 bytesConstantly - 1  }byte.If the 16K buffer is empty, status calls are done constantly in all cases.Flow control: Choose between XON/XOFF, Rush!}, neither or both.Ice-T has a 16K cyclic buffer for all incoming data. Both of these flow-controlschemes kick in when 12Kb"}ytes of the buffer are full.This can happen if:* The buffer gets that full during Pause mode (stuff keeps coming in)* Wh#}en fine scrolling, or heavy use of ANSI codes cause Ice-T to slowdown and gradually accumulate characters (rare at low speed$}s)* Too much high-speed data (9600 and up) arrives at once, and is simplytoo much for the software to handle, in which case%} the buffer will graduallyfill up.If the buffer gets full (16K), Ice-T will stop GETting data from the port.This will ena&}ble automatic hardware flow control, for those interfaceswhich support it.. You may even disable all flow controls by select'}ing"None", and this will still happen.Any form of flow control will actually occur quite rarely; At 9600 baud,37K of data(} have to come in, non-stop, for the flow control schemes tokick in; At 19.2kbaud, 16K of data has to fly in.Even if no flow)} control is enabled, much more that that has to arrivebefore any overflow (and therefore data loss, if your interface doesn'*}tsupport auto hardware flow control) occurs.Incoming data keeps getting buffered up even if you're in the menus. XOFFrema+}ins enabled, but Rush does not, meaning that if you select Rush only, noflow control will be active and the buffer may overf,}low.When XOFF is working, a small brick character will appear at the upperleft corner of the screen. Ice-T is smart enough-} to send more Ctrl-Scharacters if the first one was ignored, or if the remote host snapsback to life after a few moments of.} silence. In no case, though, willmore than one ^S code be sent per second.As for the "Rush" flow control, I'm pretty sure/} it's never been done before(with good reason, too, I guess), so here's a quick description:Instead of "Online", "Paused",0} or "Manual" in the upper left corner, "Rush"lights up. All output to screen is stopped, and, if in Pause, scrollbackwill i1}mmediately scroll back to the main screen, and stop working.Note that this can NOT happen in the menus. If you quit to the m2}enu,only the XOFF flow control remains active, *if* you selected it or both.During this time, the computer will be chuggin3}g away in the background,processing the incoming data as quickly as possible, not displaying it and onlysaving it into the 4}2K text mirror of the screen, which is much faster (used inPrint-screen, screen refreshes and scrollback). When the buffer h5}as shrunkback to safer proportions, this process stops.(Note that this text-mirror, which is always active, is, like the 86}K graphicsscreen, scrolled "virtually", which means that I'm not actually moving 2K ofdata around.)-If you were in Pause 7}mode, you won't be able to scrollback. Leaving Pausewill refresh and update the screen, after which you will be able toscro8}llback as usual, but the older history info may have been lost.-If you were in Terminal mode, the screen will freeze during 9}Rush, thensuddenly blank and get redrawn. You can then Pause or scrollback as usual.This process can repeat if data keeps :}coming in quickly. You can try remotelypausing it by typing ^S (Xoff), but that would be done for you anyway ifyou selected;} "both" in the flow control menu. (^Q is Xon.)Save configuration:This will save the current settings and the dialing data <}into D:ICET.DAT.Note that the "pathname" has no effect on where this file is saved.Mini-DOS menu-------------Disk direct=}ory:This will display the directory of the path name you specified.Hit any key to return to the menu.Change path:Select >}the general pathname for all disk operations.Ice-T will try to complete incomplete names.. If what you entered doesn'tbegin?} with a "D", a "D" will be added. If it doesn't end with a ":" or witha ">", a ":" will be added. This means that "2" will b@}e traslated to "D2:".":icet" will be translated to "d:icet:".Also note that all names are displayed and entered in lower caA}se.D/L EOL trans.: Download EOL translation, for capture and protocol transfers.None - File transferred as-is. Good for biB}nary transfers. CR - CR turns into a EOL, LF is ignored. This is recommended for most text formats, since CR/LF combC}os are translated properly. LF - LF -> EOL, CR trashed.Either - Either code is translated to EOL. Don't use this if CR/LF D}isused in the original file, since you'll have two EOLs between each line.U/L EOL trans.: Upload EOL translation for ASCIIE}-upload.EOL -> CR/LF - EOL translated to the CR/LF combo.EOL -> CR - EOL translated to CR.EOL -> LF - EOL translatedF} to LF.No change - File uploaded as-is. Use for binary transfers.Capture ANSI: Allows stripping of all ANSI codes from G}captured data.This does nothing to files transferred using protocol transfers (X/Y/Zmodem).View file: Read contents of a fH}ile in 80 columns. Press the space barto jump one page, or Return for one line.Rename file:Type in the first name, then tI}he second, with a Return after each.Delete, Lock, Unlock:File operations. Type in a file and Return.Transfer menu------J}-------Toggle capture: Enable or disable saving all incoming data into the capturebuffer, marked by the "C:" indicator in tK}he terminal. Data will be savedin this buffer when it is displayed (which can be after it is received).All EOL translation L}and ANSI stripping, if requested, will occur at thatpoint, and not when saving; Make sure you have the proper settings for tM}hesebefore putting anything in the capture buffer.Save capture: This will allow you to save the current capture buffer intN}oa disk file, or to discard it. Note that this *appends* the buffer'scontents after the end of the currently existing file.O} This can be usedto capture lots of data into one file, with a save being done once ina while to make room in the buffer.AP}ny data coming in *during* a save will be lost, so make sure nothing does.ASCII upload - Send a file to the remote host, wiQ}th no protocol.You can add a delay between every line sent, or cause the upload to wait for aprompt from the remote host beR}fore sending the next line. These two aremutually exclusive.Xmodem receive - This is an implementation of Ward ChristensenS}'s originalprotocol, developed in 1977. It includes all the later additions, includingCRC-16 error checking, and 1K-block cT}apability (sometimes incorrectlyreferred to as Ymodem). Each of these are used if the host supports them.To transfer a fileU} you must first give the suitable command to your host. Youmay request Xmodem-1K if you want - it's faster with a clean lineV}.Remember to set D/L EOL Trans. to "None" before transferring a binary file.Exit to the menus and select this option. The XW}modem protocol doesn't exchangeany file information, and therefore you have to type in the file name. Thetransfer will begiX}n, and you will be notified about most of what's going on.The transfer will stop every incoming 16K to save to disk, and I hY}ope thisdoesn't cause the host to time out.The only drawback to this protocol is that a maximum of 127 extra bytes,or evenZ} 1023 bytes in 1K mode, can get added to the end of the file.If your sender program was written properly, it should be able [}to minimize thisproblem in 1K mode by using 128-byte packets towards the end of the file (sincethe receiver is capable of h\}andling any combination of 128 or 1024-byteblocks).The contents of these bytes are usually Ctrl-Z, but again you're at the ]}mercyof whoever programmed your host's software. They may just contain junk.Text files, UUencoded files and ARC files will ^}come through safely, but if yourfile can't tolerate junk at its end, use Ymodem or Zmodem.Xmodem is always to be used as a _}"last-choice" only - Ymodem is better, Zmodemis best.Ymodem receive - This protocol is similar to Xmodem, with a few addit`}ions:1. Block check is CRC-16, and never checksum (fascinating, isn't it).2. More than one file can be transferred per sessa}ion.3. The file's name is reported by the host, so you don't have to type it in.4. The file length is also sent, so any extb}ra characters in the last block canbe removed. This capability is lost if the file is over 16MB long, but I'mpretty sure yoc}u already knew that.This implementation complies with Omen Technologies' definition of"True YMODEM(TM)", but I can't officd}ially say that if it hasn't beencertified by them. I am not going to attempt this.To transfer a file, request one or more e}files to be sent from your host,then select Ymodem receive. The rest will be done automatically.Ymodem-G receive - This isf} a "streaming" version of Ymodem - the other sidewon't pause between packets for an acknowledgment, and in case of an errorg}the transfer will be aborted. For this reason, this protocol should best beused with a reliable null-modem cable, or with anh} error-correcting modem.Another thing that should be noted is that this transfer may not be used ifboth modem and disk drivi}e are connected through the serial port. The transferwill attempt writing to the disk while the modem port is still open, anj}dthis will cause a system crash with such a hardware configuration. I recommendusing this protocol only if you have a RAMdik}sk or hard disk.I have encountered strange problems using this with a RAMdisk as well - I haveno explanation if an "Abortedl}!" message appears after the first packet isreceived.Zmodem receive - This is the best protocol of them all. Like Ymodem-Gm},it uses streaming (no pause for acknowledgement) for maximum speed. Unlikeit though, error recovery is possible. In additin}on, it is usable with allhardware configurations, since the host will stop every 16K to let Ice-Twrite its buffer to disk.o}If your host doesn't support this pause (very rare, and against the protocoldocumentation), a "Buffer overflow!" message wilp}l appear. Ice-T will pause toempty the buffer to disk, then resume, requesting the other side to repeat allthe data that haq}d been lost during the disk save. In fact, this should causenothing more than a delay.CRC-16 is used, even though a more ser}cure 32-bit check is possible.A future version may include this if I have enough room for the tables.To begin a transfer, s}request one or more files from your host. This willautomatically begin the download; you may never actually have to select tt}hisoption in the menu, unless the sender's initial request to send gets garbled.If a download is aborted for any reason, au}ll validated data will be saved,and the file will close (no junk will be saved in the file). In addition,a file with the sav}me name and a .RCV extension will be created, saving thereceived file's length; This file is needed for crash recovery.Whenw} beginning a download, Zmodem will see if the filename to be transferredalready exists locally. If it does, a .RCV file willx} be searched for, andthe file transfer will continue from where it left off.If this .RCV file is not found, Ice-T will assuy}me that this is not a crashedfile, but it will not overwrite the old file; It will rename it by replacingthe second charactz}er of the filename with a zero. If again such a file isfound, the process repeats, increasing that number. It will cycle at {}9.In the rare case that Zmodem can't find an unused name, it will cycleindefinitely; Press Esc to abort.If anyone has inf|}ormation on the faster ZedZap (8K packets) protocol, I'dlike to hear about it.Quitting the program--------------------Hi}}t in the main menu. You will be asked whether you really wish toquit. A positive response will terminate the progra~}m, exiting to DOS,while saying no or pressing will return you to the main menu.You also have the option of removin}g the R: handler and freeing the memorytaken by it; This will only be possible if the handler was loaded by Ice-T.The Term}inal------------The terminal is entered by selecting "Terminal" in the main menu. In thismode, whatever you type on the ke}yboard is sent to your host via the modem,and anything received is handled, either as a control command or as acharacter to} be displayed.Pause:Ctrl-1 will toggle Pause mode. In Pause, all the keys work normally, andyou can continue typing. What}ever you type WILL be sent to the host, butanything received from the host will be saved in the buffer, and will only bedis}played when you press Ctrl-1 again. You can also exit to the menu fromwithin Pause. Returning to terminal will put you back }into Pause.When in Pause mode, you can use Option and Select to scroll the screenup and down respectively, to view the bac}kscroll info.A "pseudo-pause" mode is entered by pressing Option to scroll back,when in normal terminal mode. While viewin}g the backscroll, any incomingdata will bring you back to the main screen. This is useful if you'rewaiting for something an}d wish to read previous screens while waiting,knowing that you'll know about it as soon as it happens.Note, that only line}s that get scrolled out of line 1 get saved in thishistory buffer. If you're scrolling a lower portion of the screen (which}is one of the capabilities of the VT100), the text is not retained.Incoming characters also accumulate in the buffer when y}ou are not inTerminal mode. They are displayed when you return to Terminal with Pause off.Print-screen (^Shift-P):Will pr}int the screen, as regular text, to any printer that is accessiblethrough P:. Underlined or inverse text will appear normal }on the printedpage, and large-sized characters will look normal, but will be spacedapart. ANSI graphics characters will not} be printed, but characters above128 (in PC characters mode) will be, and are supported by most printers.Backscrolling will} not affect the printout; Only the "main" screen getsprinted. I have yet to hear any complaints about this.Hang-up (^Shift}-H):Causes the modem to hang up by waiting 1.5 seconds, sending a "+++", waitinganother 1.5 seconds, and sending an "ATH" (}Return). The status line willindicate "Manual" (offline) mode.Quit to menu:Press Shift-Esc to quit to the main menu. If y}ou are expecting data to arrivewhile you will be using the menu, or even if a new page of data is still beingreceived, don'}t worry - any incoming data will be preserved, and up to 16K oftext can come in without problems. XOFF flow control will rem}ain active in themenus. Be warned, however, that any disk operation necessarily means closingthe R: port, and data received} during one will be lost.Using the keyboard in Terminal:Every usable key sounds a click when pressed (if click is enabled)}, so you'llknow whether what you just pressed actually did something.Pressing a key with START held down is like Meta-[key}], which means it sendsan Escape before that key. For example, START-x will send a Meta-x, or"Esc x". This does not work wi}th keys that send more than one code, likethe arrow keys.Pressing anything with Select held down will send that code with t}hehigh bit set. Like Start-key, it only works with the "simple" keys.Here is a list of legal keys:^ means the Control ke}y.Local-function keys:Shift-Esc Exit to menu^1 Pause (indicated in status line)^Esc Send breakCaps } Toggle Caps lock (indicated in status line)Shift-Caps Set caps lock to on^Shift-P Print screen^Shift-H Hang up^Shift}-S Obscure internal speed testNumeric keypad emulation:Codes sent depend on setting of Num-lock, which is indicated int}he status-line, and is controlled by a code sent from host.The following used with ^Shift:0-9 - Numeric-keypad 0-9Com}ma, period, minus, - Numeric keypad equivalentsQ,W,E,R - PF1,2,3,4 respectivelyGeneral keys:A-Z - Lower or} upper case according to Caps setting.Shift-A-Z - upper-case if Caps is off, lower-case if on.^A-Z, 0-9, Shift-0-9, Esc, Ta}b, , others not mentioned - obvious - Delete code specified in Parameters menuShift- - Other dele}te code, the one you didn't specify.Ctrl-arrow keys - up, down, left, right. Code sent depends on cursor-key mode } (controlled by host).(1200-XL only) Function keys: same as Ctrl-arrow keys - F1,2,3,4 are up, down, } left, right, respectively.^7 - Accent mark^9,0 - Curly bracketsInverse/Atari logo key - tildeSpecial-purpose ASCII cha}racters:^comma - ^[ (same as Esc)^period - ^]^6 - ^^^8 - ^@ (null)^space - ditto^colon - ^_^? - ^? (}$7F, DEL)Acknowledgments---------------I'd like to thank Clay Halliwell (for competition, inspiration, enormous helpwith} various speed-up ideas), Bill Kendrick (for testing, ideas, B&BH quotes),John Harris (for writing the MAE assembler/editor)}, Russ Gilbert (for gettingthe CRC to work!), and Tom Drake (bunches of help). Thanks guys!I'd also like to mention the OT}HERS responsible for the creation of thissoftware. I refer to the people who wrote the earlier VT-100 emulations,Kermit-65 }(John Dunning), and Omnicom (David Young). While I respect theseefforts to create useful software, they appear to have been }written withno motivation, no cleverness, no love for the instrument - almost (gasp!) likePC software! To put it this way: }Neither of them will work at 2400 baudwithout tight flow control. Quite simply, they suck. There, I said it.Registration-}-----------This software is not free. I have previously warned that future versionswill have some sort of "cripple" if peop}le keep thinking that it is,but I haven't done that just yet. This is your last chance, pholx.. :)Seriously, I just don't b}elieve that this software, which consists ofthousands of hours of work (seriously), can just be tossed out with nothingin e}xchange. I am still in firm belief that the Atari community has pastthe "I-want-free-software" phase, and I hope that I won'}t be disappointedthis time.Enjoy Ice-T!!!!!Itay Chamiel9-A Narkis St.Jerusalem, 92461Israel-------------------------}-e disappointedthis time.Enjoy Ice-T!!!!!Itay Chamiel9-A Narkis St.Jerusalem, 92461Israel------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ VT100 Commands as implemented in Ice-T Te}rminal Emulator v2.7 by Itay Chamiel, (c)1996.Based on list from Omnicom's documentation, by David Young.---}--------------------------------------------------------Conventions used:Esc - the ascii character 27^ - control}.spaces - for clarity. They're not sent.__ - Decimal number from 0 to 255 (can be any number of digits: 001, 01, 1are }the same)."can scroll" means that if the cursor cannot move up or down without passingthe scrolling limits (not necessaril}y the top or bottom of the screen), itwill not move, and cause a scroll to occur.If the scrolling margin is not the same as} the screen limit, and the cursoris at the top or bottom of the screen, "can scroll" commands will NOT cause ascroll. A scr}oll occurs ONLY at scroll margins.The VT100 commands are case-sensitive. C is not the same as c.Commands with parameters }look like this:Esc [ __ ; __ ; __ ; ....... ; __ x (where x is a different letter for eachcommand). Ice-T allows up to 255 }numbers to be received in one command, butmost commands will only treat the first one or two numbers.All such commands hav}e "defaults" which are used if no parameters arereceived, or if one is sent when two are expected.Unknown control characte}rs, Unknown "Esc x" commands and unknown"Esc [ __ ; ... ; __ x" commands are all absorbed by the emulator with noeffect.C}ontrol characters------------------^E Send "Answerback" response, 4 characters (*): Ctrl-P + Ctrl-P 0^G Bell, flash bord}er color.^H Cursor left one character. No effect if cursor on col 1^I Tab. Cursor moves to next tabstop, or to column 80 }if no further tabs. Default tabstops are at columns 9, 17, 25, and so on, spaced 8 apart.^J Linefeed, move cursor down }one line. Move cursor to col 1 ONLY if newline mode is SET (see Esc [ __ h). Can scroll.^K Same as ^J^L Formfeed, tre}ated as Linefeed (^J)^M Carriage-Return, move cursor to col 1^N Invoke G1 character set (see "Esc )" commands)^O Invoke} G0 character set (see "Esc (" commands)^X Abort any Esc sequence currently in progress. If a sequence was in progress^Y }and ^X or ^Y were sent, the checkerboard character is displayed to inform of an error. If not - the code is ignored.^X B}00 - Begin a Zmodem session. This is the beginning of the ZRQINIT frame.^[ Escape. Begins a new Escape-sequence, cancelling} any other which may have been in progress. (^[ is 27 or Esc.)(*) This answerback string is the one Telix (PC comm. pro}gram) returns. I believe it is used for Compuserve transfers, and that it ought to be configurable by the user.Esc }x Codes-----------Esc c Reset terminal settings, clear screen, home cursor.Esc D Cursor down 1 line, can scroll.Esc E }Cursor down one line and moves to col 1, can scroll.Esc H Set tab at current cursor horizontal position.Esc M Cursor up 1} line, can scrollEsc Z Identify Term. Software replies by sending response Esc [?1;0cEsc 7 Save cursor position, graphic }rendition, character set, wrap mode.Esc 8 Restore stuff saved with Esc 7Esc > Keypad NumLock OnEsc = Keypad NumLock Off}Esc [ __ x commands-------------------These commands are also recognized if they do not receive any parameter(Esc [ x), }or if they receive less than the required amount of parameters.In these cases, the default(s) replace the required number.}Esc [ __ A (none/0 --> 1) Cursor up __ lines, does not scroll, stops at edge of screenEsc [ __ B Down, same as a}boveEsc [ __ C Forward, same as above, cursor stays on same lineEsc [ __ D Backward, same as aboveEsc [ __ ; __ H (none}/0 --> 1,1) Set cursor to row, col. If any parameter is not within range (80 for x or 24 for y) they are truncated }to 80 or 24. 0 is converted to 1.Esc [ __ J (none --> 0) Erase part of the screen: 0 - cursor position }to end of line (inclusive) and all lines below 1 - cursor position to start of line (inclusive) and all lines above} 2 - entire screen. cursor does not move. (ANSI-BBS: home cursor) Other - ignore commandEsc [ __ K (non}e --> 0) Erase part of line: 0 - cursor position to end of line (inclusive) 1 - cursor position to start }of line (inclusive) 2 - entire line Other - ignore commandEsc [ __ c (Parameter ignored) Device attribu}tes. Returns Esc [?1;0cEsc [ __ ; __ f (none --> 1,1) same as Esc[_;_H (above)Esc [ __ g (none --> 0) 0 - Clear} tab at cursor column 3 - Clear all tabs. Other - ignore commandEsc [ __ h (20 only accepted) 20 - Set }newline mode Receiving an lf will be treated as cr + lf Pressing Return on keyboard sends cr + lf } Not 20 - ignore command.Esc [ __ l (20 only accepted) opposite of above, Reset newline mode lf = lf alone } return sends lf alone Not 20 - ignore command.Esc [ ? __ h Set mode, see belowEsc [ ? __ l Reset mode, see} belowParameter Set Reset 1 - cursor keys Application Numeric 3 - columns clear screen in bot}h cases 5 - screen color Reverse-vid Normal 7 - autowrap On OffEsc [ __ ; ... ; __ m (at least one par}ameter, none --> 0) Select graphic rendition: 0 - Normal 5 - Blink (recognized but not implemented) 4 - Underline 7} - Reverse video 8 - Invisible (writes blank spaces)Esc [ __ n (none --> 5) Device Status Report. Response de}pends on parameter: 5: response is "ready" - Esc [0n 6: report cursor position - Esc [ row ; col REs}c [ __ ; __ r (defaults: 1,24) Set top and bottom scrolling margins. 1 and 24, for example, mean the entire scree}n scrolls. 14 and 24 cause the last 10 lines to scroll. 14,24 mean lines 14 to 24 INCLUSIVE.Esc [ __} s (Parameter ignored) Same as Esc 7Esc [ __ u (Parameter ignored) Same as Esc 8Other Escape sequences-------------------}---Esc ( A or Esc ( B Set G0 to point to ASCII charactersEsc ( 0 or Esc ( 1 or Esc ( 2 Set G0 to point to line}-drawing graphicsEsc ) A or Esc ) B Set G1 to point to ASCII charactersEsc ) 0 or Esc ) 1 or Esc ) 2 Set G1 to} point to line-drawing graphicsEsc # 3 Double-Height, top halfEsc # 4 Double-Height, bottom halfEsc # 5 Normal sizeEsc #} 6 Double-widthEsc # 7 Normal sizeEsc # 8 Fill screen with the letter E for screen adjustment (useless, but was too} easy to implement)The line-changing commands preserve anything already on that line, unlessan 80-column line is changed i}nto a 40-column line. In that case, thelast 40 characters of that line are lost.Double-size characters use the standart bui}lt-in character set (since it's40 columns) plus a few characters like tilde and curly braces, and for thespecial graphics c}haracters, which don't exist in ATASCII, a simple routinewhich doubles the 80-column characters is used.Double-height chara}cters are the same as double-width, but their height isdoubled.Special codes sent from the Ice-T keyboard:Numeric keypad}:(Shift-Ctrl-key) Arrows: (Ctrl-Up/Down/Right/Left arrow keys) Key | On Off Arrow | Curso}r key mode------+-----+------------ Key | Reset (Numeric) | Set (Application) 0 | 0 | Esc O p ------+-------}----------+------------------ 1 | 1 | Esc O q Up | Esc [ A | Esc O A 2 | 2 | Esc O r Down } | Esc [ B | Esc O B 3 | 3 | Esc O s Right | Esc [ C | Esc O C 4 | 4 | Esc O t Left }| Esc [ D | Esc O D 5 | 5 | Esc O u 6 | 6 | Esc O v 7 | 7 | Esc O w 8 | 8 | Esc O x 9 | 9} | Esc O y - | - | Esc O m , | , | Esc O l . | . | Esc O nEnter | ^M | Esc O M PF1 | --> | Esc O P (}Shift-Ctrl-Q) PF2 | --> | Esc O Q (Shift-Ctrl-W) PF3 | --> | Esc O R (Shift-Ctrl-E) PF4 | --> | Esc O S (Shift-Ctrl-}R)Special characters in graphics mode:ASCII| Character in graphics mode-----+------------------------------------- _ } Blank \ Diamond a Checkerboard b Two small letters HT, in upper-left and lower-right corners of character c }Letters FF d Letters CR e Letters LF f Degree symbol g +/- symbol h Letters NL i Letters VT j low}er-right corner of square k upper-right corner l upper-left corner m lower-left corner n crossing lines (+) }o horizontal line - line 1 in character p horiz line - line 2 q line 4 r line 6 s line 8 t Left T } |- (approximate appearance shown here) u Right T -| v Bottom T _|_ w Top T T x} vertical bar | y less/equal _< z greater/equal >_Opening curly braces: Pi symbol | Not equal } =/=Closing curly braces: UK pound symbolTilde: Centered dotAny corrections to the above will be appre}ciated!losing curly braces: UK pound symbolTilde: Centered dotAny corrections to the above will be appre ,1R<ө ,(ҽ()*+ҍ>/ҍҩҩҩ0r,.1s,.P}. ԩ҅MD/ЩU f//0% f/ */02 f/ *//ߢ0@U f/0$ f/+"}0W f//} / */1 f///1 f/ԩ/ .///0.0 \/ ./0LX-_ \ 1/}|- ?/ЩO !# !A"ҍ"0 "1ҩҩҩҩҩҩҢ} ! ҝ# ҍ$ML-HH/ ҝ/hh@0Щ Щ//JJJ)ԭ/Jҭ ҈MЍТ }Э ҝ/E )pPЍЩ//JJJJJ)i/Ҡ+.. .'/- /Lb ҭ )^(`(` )}Щ /# /$ /% /& /'` Ҡ- ҈) Ҙ``ҩЩ0M }`DEHI B V`(ҍ10 f//"1{/ f/1G4 f/ЭL/L?,l x} }Ԡ by Curt CoxPress to begin locating SDVLocating ...砮Self-Destruct Vector found}Press to execute or͠ to abort.}Are you sure? (press 'Y' for yes)}You can abort without damage fo}rten seconds.Π}Destruct aborted - press to}re-locate SDV or to exit.Damage incalculable because ofdamaged memory,Destruct aborted - press toW@LLJ ` L3  m8)H) hJ)}~x (@`  } a'+0 , $JJJJ : , $) :mi)<0  JJ آ } }  }I0З` ԘJJJJ  ԍҘ)  ԍ`)4@-C`I`""233CCDTTUeefvvv }|excThc&4hS8ޥ$hTZ$xd{be@&f 8wZwkgrfRVA(ΦEBJECkc6DB6V1 }HWYhjhryQh@'̦h!IܕX"ktWu#SWu53WuF"XuXͤii܂zQ0 9ˆ[uy|excThc&4hSHޥ$x }TZ$e{ae0&v 8wZwHK h0  `HOz P z TO  ThLP  P x T} f ɛj,}v TT* 2# *;KP x TT 0 :)  L/  } } +HH  ; P Lc} hh`z ;w Lu ɛ H h} +Lt/&  f ~ɛ }  `آ+Ff A?f T7} } }} +)f P Z&H%D'ANO:ɛѩLtf }  `  \L RHJ h;ԍz ƍz y P LSz y w } R J  L  % i0 L ȹ ΀ L  莃 +U<`} ҍxsҩxҢ   X`؊H Үm m ҍ I) r L`؊Ho n )L`& } o )hh@ؘHy I̍y w LؘH| | z w L{ hh@x X`x X` n o `~  T*}| `~ )5| xn & n X  =Ә8`x)DžҢ  X`  } `e`q ;E0<:880 17 p0 z17 p0) 6< p0ح3 p0+7`e#}`HH,0L07) X7Ȍ77L07B7I !77I777777L07N7) 7 777h7,$}7M7[78777I77 LV17I )Ӡ7LV17) )LP1 N77777I77I%}7hhh@)` @ө7`ӭ Pө<өO 1` 137`7ɛ 777` !.`خ3 ;7L)2&}7 17+LH3/ 1L/2  9~ɛ 77`آ+_9AX9TP777+B9SHP7٣3'}0 37LI2ZOHNDUAwOeɛиLH3977`HHH 37 33hhhLI2 3 6< p0LI23 0H 1h(};Щ3𛍹3,0 z1L33,7 z1 17L2H00 ذ ٥ʎ7h`ج7/7i0 1 1Lx37)}77ȹ7 17 1L277+3<3<33`VEQFT `)`ب)ҘA<*}ҍ2ҭ7ҩҌ77x77 X `؎77*   7 377`777 3 777+}`؎77 9,0L4L47M77777) ) 7`73. 77`7;37H,} 1 2h87`؎77)L577L17 ɛ 7@ &5 P77ʝ877 1,30/7ͪ3 -}4L5. 4 97L573 .7`؎7,30. 47,0R73 .LO677$!< ,0.}'  H3  177Ȍ77LO678 . ,: 3;+7 H3 !.LO6 3;77/}87787777`؍77""$:&b(o`*ɀ 17+3) 3)V 3L7* 5 0}/E7 3+7L7*) 7*)@7L777 ,07*77`77777`ةF7777Ȍ7 7 3 61}7777R7ș7ș`':7x00 OK CONNECT RING NO CARRIER ERROR F2}4G4a445s6L/7 7 77 7 /7`8څ˥ۅ̥8օܥׅݥe܅ܥe݅`H֑3}ۥ֥װh` )) " )@`H(ȱאȥڐ8ˑȱ̑heڅ4}ڥiۥڥ۰` ]9ҩ*ҩ p0ҩ֩0ש'ة:٭ڭ 8 28 _8 '98ˍ$97̍%9L7`8˅ԩ7̅ՠ78ˑȹ5}7̑ ȹ78ˑȹ7̑` BHI} VȩXz9X#2U T`(!.$,%2-0#opyright# 6"y6}*ames$illow8ȹ7̑` BHI} VȩXz9X#2U T`(!.$,%2-0#opyright# 6"yPLULIT`The BOB-Verter 2.4 Fast HandlerInstalled. 10/16/89 by: Robert Puff ShareWare (C) 1989 Send correspondence8} to: Bob Puff, Suite 222, 2117 Buffalo Rd Rochester, NY 14624. @R V@ V4R9}Ӆ *<`d,[BHB ӭ)H)? @h hB` `:} * `xҩs2ҩҍҭҍ  0ҭ)`))Džҭ  i;}` ɛ  )?x ҩ X`' ) `<}L)JJJJ L"&$\"(I, *`*L*)*)@*)@ *HB)*hBE*ĥ=}i mL*)  LؘH LEɀ ҙ  ҍ `hh@ؘHLE>} I) ѩ%ҥ LEؘH)LE LEo=.F nV( LI ` ?}`Ș@`Șɀ`  R V ԩՠ 5`GHFH`  @ @}   "&  % ( PPP˩P̭PͭPPmA}PPPmPP*i˥ie˅˩e̱̅mPȩ˩P̭PͭPΠˑ Υ`lPTPmw8K8P?@     Y`  Y0 l `8ˑ Υ`lPTPmZ